Event Sponsorship Program for TimeTec Reseller
  Application Form     Event Report Form
Good news for TimeTec Reseller! If you would like to promote TimeTec products at your events, we welcome you to apply for the TimeTec Event Sponsorship from TimeTec Computing. The events could be local exhibitions, seminars, workshops, sales trainings and etc. This program is open to all TimeTec resellers worldwide. Let’s work together to promote TimeTec cloud solutions and reap the benefits.
Terms and Conditions
1. The application must be submitted to us 2 months prior the event by filling up the online application form.
2. An official approval result will be sent to you within 7 working days from your submission date.
3. The approval and amount of sponsorship are solely at TimeTec Computing’s discretion.
4. The sponsorship is limited up to 50% from the total cost of your event.
5. TimeTec Computing has the right to dictate the presentation of TimeTec products displayed during the event to maintain the brand’s image.
6. If the sponsorship given is in monetary form or TimeTec subscription credits (as good as cash), the applicant has to fill up the Event Report Form online within 14 days after the event.
7. Failure to submit the Event Report Form within the duration given, TimeTec Computing has the rights to cancel the sponsorship.
8. The approved sponsorship amount would be transferred to the applicant’s company authorized account within 14 days after receiving the Event Report Form.
9. If the sponsorship is in the form of TimeTec Subscription Credit, the applicant can utilize it within 12 months after the approval date. The unused credits after expiry date cannot be utilized or converted into cash.
10. All sponsored marketing materials such as brochures, booklets, souvenirs and etc will be shipped to the applicant and the shipping cost of the materials must be borne by the applicant.
11. All decisions are final and cannot be appealed.