Marketplace | iNeighbour
iNeighbour Marketplace

Near Field Commerce for Better Services and Better Environment.
Why iNeighbour Marketplace
1. More Exposure & Brand Awareness
2. More Conversion & Leads
3. Exclusive Content
1. Marketplace
1 vendor in 1 category
Exclusive spot only for you, your competitor will not be shown in here.
Exclusive Content
Beautiful page to insert your exclusive deals or description to promote your business.
Direct Contact Form
You will receive instant email notification if anyone signs up for your services.
2. Promotional Announcement
Exclusive promotions
For time sensitive promotions.
Maximize Awareness
Get the most exposure for your services.
3. i-Merchant
Location Based Retails
Your business will show to people that are nearest to you at the top.
Product Listing
Insert all the products with beautiful photos that are available to people nearby.
iNeighbour Marketplace Powered by

The Most Comprehensive Property Management System

Disclaimer: iNeighbour does not track nor sell our users data to anyone. We will only share the information after we have gotten consent from the user and only for the particular services/products. Example: Users are interested in 2 different services/products in iNeighbour, and we would require users to give consent on both services/products. No exception.

Ready to improve your neighbourhood?